
Showing posts from April, 2018

Mana Moana - Mission Bay Clean Up

This term we have been looking at Mana Moana and how we can care for our seas. As a culmination of learning we wanted to make a difference in our community. So we went to Mission Bay and with the help of Sustainable Coastlines, who aim to " enable people to look after the coastlines and waterways they love", and cleaned up the beach. Please visit our Seesaw Blog page to see the slideshow of our beach clean up. Or visit


We are very excited about using Seesaw in our class this year.   What is Seesaw? Seesaw is an online portfolio for students, which lets them share their learning with their whānau. The students take pictures (add audio clips, drawings and video) of their work and upload them for their whānau to see. The app gives students an authentic audience and lets them share work which can not be taken home, such as construction and loose parts art works. How do I get onto Seesaw? By now all students in Room 10 should have brought home a Seesaw Invite and for families with email address we emailed and invite out. If you did not receive this invite and wish to access your students Seesaw portfolio please let us know or email me on . Once you have received the invite just follow this instructions and you will be able to access your child's portfolio. Seesaw Blog Now that we are beginning to become confident at uploadin...

House Challenge Day

Tomorrow (5th April) is House Challenge Day , which is like a fun sports day.  Every student at Oranga Primary belongs to a house, either  Pohutakawa - Red, Nikau - Blue, Kowhai - Yellow, or Totara - Green .  Students are encouraged to come to school wearing their House colours or school uniforms (unfortunately this is not a mufti day).  Tonight they will come home with the letter of their house written on their hands, so you know what colour house they are in. Classes are split into their houses for the day and everyone has the chance to make new friends outside their classroom and across the school. Each teacher is assigned to a house and we help run the activities for our house groups.  There is lots of singing, chanting and fun. The House Challenge starts at 9:10am and runs through to about 1pm. Parents and whānau are welcome to attend.